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Open Letter

Why Registered Republican?
Not party to in-group localism Machine!

Beyond Red vs. Blue:
The Political Typology

Even in a polarized era, deep divisions in both partisan coalitions

Maryland Board of Election did away with the "Independent" Party in 2010, you can now only be "unaffiliated", a non-recognized party. We should be as North Carolina having more party choices.


This is a "blue" County and I refuse to be party to the political incorporation in this Counties dysfunction partisan polarization which remains here that dominants, seemingly unalterable condition of American politics. Republicans and Democrats agree on very little – and when they do, it often is in the shared belief that they have little in common.  The Democratic party wanted slavery in all "Territories",  and the why, as to Abraham Lincoln changing to the Republican Party leaving the Democrats, and it appears they have reverted to this demagoguery behind the vial.


Advance your cause based on one's own accountability and achievement not against your opponent(s) the person or ‘pandering’ to voters or racial pandering with ‘identity politics’. I too, believe that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest Presidents. (confronting the presidents (link)). President Clinton put more black men in jail more than any other President, Biden with the Crime Bill, then there are more black men put in jail by Democrats three time more than were "enslaved".


Partisan polarization remains the dominant, seemingly unalterable condition of American politics. Republicans and Democrats agree on very little – and when they do, it often is in the shared belief that they have little in common.  Advance your cause based on one's own accountability and achievement not against your opponent(s) the person or ‘pandering’ to voters or racial pandering with ‘identity politics’. I too, believe that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest Presidents. (confronting the presidents (link)). 


Yet the gulf that separates Republicans and Democrats sometimes obscures the divisions and diversity of views that exist within both partisan coalitions – and the fact that many Americans do not fit easily into either one. More so, in my considered humble opinion I choose not to be part of the divisive splits in reference to the Counties “political incorporation” and the brawl of black power in the suburbs in their own socialeconomic disparity and the need for a “unified” black economic and policy agenda”, among and for “all”, as an example of a second coming into a Tulsa, Oklahoma. And, the deep rooted black history of this County: Beyond the Non-Profit Industrial Complex and the Suburban Political Incorporation are "NOT A MYTH"!


Republicans are divided on some principles long associated with the GOP: an affinity for businesses and corporations, support for low taxes and opposition to abortion. Democrats face substantial internal differences as well, especially as it relates to the Democratic Machine's impact and fragmented roots in the battle of control of the County and running for office as a power to dominate actors and the disunity  – some that are long-standing, such as on the importance of religion in society, others more recent. For example, while Democrats widely share the goal of combating racial inequality, all while failing to address them in its own communities such as Brandywine, MD the poster child for environmental racism from within and throughout the United States, as they differ on whether systemic change in the machine's disunity being required to achieve that goal. 


​These intra party disagreements present multiple challenges for both parties: They complicate the already difficult task of governing in a divided nation. In addition, to succeed politically, the parties must maintain the loyalty of highly politically engaged, more ideological voters, while also attracting support among less engaged voters – many of them younger – with weaker partisan ties.

Climate Protest

Non-Affiliated Voter

No Labels Party, as We are the People

“We the people” are the first three words of the U.S. Constitution. These words symbolize that our government draws its power from the people that it was made to serve.

“Like the Founding Fathers declared their independence from the crown more than two centuries ago, today we declare our independence from the corrupting influence of Wall Street and corporate donors that have rigged our economy for the few at the expense of the many.”

​American leaders and citizens must declare their freedom from the anger and divisiveness that are ruining our politics and most importantly, our country.

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